School of Tourism, Hospitality Management and Food Studies

Master Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies (THFS)

Submission of applications:

– From 25 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 on Mon Master (Master’s degree 1).

– From 22 January 2025 to 7 April 2025 on eCandidat (Master’s degree 2).

Master Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies


It aims at training French and international students with a corporate culture in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies. The second year comprises a specialization in one of those three fields. The objective of this Master’s program is to welcome international students who do not speak French but who could follow a training at the University Toulouse Jean Jaurès. It also allows French students to take a course in English and to gain the key attributes to work abroad and to step into an international career. This training also offers a diversity of publics as it enables culturally heterogeneous classes to be created.

Toulouse campus

Master's Degree


2 years

Initial and continuing training

The Master’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies (THFS) is taught exclusively in English on the Toulouse campus.

It aims at training French and international students with a corporate culture in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies. The second year comprises a specialization in one of those three fields.

The objective of this Master’s program is to welcome international students who do not speak French but who could follow a training at the University Toulouse Jean Jaurès. It also allows French students to take a course in English and to gain the key attributes to work abroad and to step into an international career. This training also offers a diversity of publics as it enables culturally heterogeneous classes to be created.
Beyond its international and cultural dimension, this Master’s degree allows to gain and/or to strengthen the necessary skills in the development of an international career in the three professional sectors tackled in the different ISTHIA trainings: Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies.

According to the majors in initial training of the recruited Bachelor’s students, this degree provides the necessary knowledge to develop a strong professional culture in the three fields mentioned above, as well as more advanced and detailed skills in the specialization chosen by the students.

This Master’s degree allows to develop several management skills, particularly in the development of corporate strategies, in communication, decision-making and organization. It also trains students in human resources and financial management. This training tackles research, surveys, and data analysis and processing. The students are also trained in project management (planning, defining objectives and communicating) and are put in the position of consultants.

Master’s degree 1: you may apply on-line on Mon Master.

Master’s degree 2: you may apply on-line on eCandidat.

If you need help, you can download the tutorial.

The selection is based on written application and interview.

Are eligible to the Master’s degree in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies the students holding a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Social Sciences, Geography, Agribusiness, Foreign Languages, Dietetics, Nutrition, Economics and Management, Tourism, Economic and Social Administration, Management or Information and Communication, or a diploma in Nutrition, Hospitality and Catering, or Bio- Engineering.

Non-European students may apply on :

The people who do not hold any of the degrees listed above but who have worked in the tourism sector will be invited to apply for the validation of their qualifications (French NVQ scheme, decree of August 23rd 1985) by a jury of professionals and university lecturers.

Semester 7

(175 hours)

• UE 701 I World cultures
• UE 702 I Marketing
• UE 703 I Anthropoly and Sociology of Food
• UE 704 I Research methodology
• UE 705 I Operating Management in Hospitality
• UE 706 I French culture (in French)

Semester 8

(200 hours)

• UE 801 I Dissertation and Internship
• UE 802 I Applied Human and Social Sciences
• UE 803 I Tourism Engineering
• UE 804 I Research methodology
• UE 805 I Operating Management in Hospitality
• UE 806 I French culture (in French)

Semester 9

(250 hours)

• UE 901 I Tourism Management
• UE 902 I Hopitality and Foodservice Management
• UE 903 I Anthropoly and Sociology of Food
• UE 904 I Research methodology
• UE 905 I Quality Management
• UE 906 I French culture (in French)

Semester 10

(75 hours)

• UE 1001 I Dissertation and Internship
• UE 1002 I Professionnal Communication
• UE 1003 I Professionnal conferences
• UE 1004 I French gastronomy event

Graduates may consider the following sectors of activities: international integrated or independent hotel businesses, international consulting companies, international agribusinesses, out-of-home catering industries.

Positions :

    • Hotel manager
    • Hospitality or Catering manager
    • Project manager
    • Product manager
    • Food critic

Course director (Master 1):

Course director (Master 2):


Education administrator:
• Nathalie SALMON
05 61 50 41 36

Master financed by the réseau des instituts nationaux de tourisme France.


Site de Toulouse

Campus du Mirail

5 Allées Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse Cedex 09

05 61 50 23 68

Site de Foix

Centre Universitaire de l'Ariège Robert Naudi

4 Rue Raoul Lafagette, 09000 Foix

Plan du site de Foix

05 61 02 19 74

Site de Cahors

Centre Universitaire Maurice Faure

273 Av. Henri Martin, 46000 Cahors

05 65 23 46 04

Université de Toulouse

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